Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center
The Honey Child Prenatal Education Program
A Faith-Based Program for African American Pregnant Women
The Honey Child Prenatal Education Program has been designed to provide African-American
women with the culturally-appropriate information and support needed to have the healthiest
possible pregnancy and birth outcome. The intervention targets African-American women of
childbearing age with a specific focus on women ages 18-35.
Honey Child has two core program components:
Group Prenatal Education Sessions: A cognitive component, designed
to provide accurate and timely information in the area of prenatal care and pregnancy; and
Mentoring: A social support component designed to empower and encourage
participants to make behavior changes in those areas that need improvement (e.g., seeking
prenatal health care)—or to support existing behaviors that promote healthy pregnancies.
Honey Child uses a spiritual approach to promote prenatal health. The curriculum incorporates
interactive group activities such as prenatal yoga and exercise as well as individual reflection and
spiritual messaging, making it an appropriate prenatal health education program for the church setting.
The Honey Child curriculum includes six sessions of two hours each. Topics include: Nutrition,
Relaxation and Exercise, Prenatal Care, Self-Esteem, Preterm Birth, and Labor & Delivery.
Each group consists of 6-12 women who share similar due dates. The women participate in monthly group
discussions led by a facilitator. The facilitator encourages group discussion about prenatal health
topics in place of a lecture. This learning style encourages the facilitator to learn with the
participants. It also encourages the women to learn from each other’s experiences. In addition,
each participant is assigned a mentor. The role of the mentor is critical. The mentor provides
weekly one-on-one social support in addition to reinforcing positive health behaviors discussed
in the group. Mentors are partnered with the pregnant women for the length of the program.
Register For Honey Child Now! |
Visit March of Dimes Texas Chapter Website
Contact Information
Karen Mims
Program Facilitator
817-534-6943 ext 13